True trucker stories.


PSA: Don’t pull out in front of moving semi trucks

From CDL Life:

A truck driver was forced to make a quick decision after a four-wheeler made a potentially fatal mistake earlier this week. 

CDLLife App member George A. shared a post describing the situation to the app on Tuesday, October 27th, following his son’s unfortunate experience with a careless motorist.

“This was my son’s truck after a four wheeler pulled out in front of him,” George wrote of the smashed truck in the photographs.

“He had a choice, kill ‘em or hit the ditch. He made the right decision.”

“He’s fine, a sore arm is all,” George continued.  

Thankful George’s son made it out okay, fellow CDLLife App users had a lot to say about the consequences of motorists’ uninformed, or simply careless, driving decisions.

“That’s a scary choice to make, glad he is alright,” wrote one App member. 

“These four wheelers have no respect for trucks,” added another. “We keep telling people we can’t stop on a dime.”

We’re just happy that everyone came out of the situation unhurt. 

Bottom line: motorists, keep your distance! And truck drivers, please stay safe out there!