True trucker stories.


Man who held trapped, injured trucker’s hand as he waited for an ambulance has been found

From CDL Life:

A man who crawled into the cab of a wrecked semi truck and held the pinned driver’s hand as he waited for help has been located, and the trucker’s family can’t thank him enough. 

Truck driver Paul Maksim had the bottom half of his body crushed in a serious wreck last week, but this week he was able to locate and thank the man who helped him get through it. That man is Isaac Tyson, a Marine Corp Veteran and all around good guy. After Maksim’s wife put out a call asking for help in identifying the man who helped save her husband, the two were able to connect on Zoom and have a conversation about what happened, what’s next, and how they can be of help to each other. 

All I could think to do is just keep him calm, and I don’t know if you remember this, Paul, but I kept telling you to focus on your breathing and keep breathing, keep breathing, because I could tell he was in a lot of pain,” Issac said of the experience. 

“I was just trying to keep him from going into shock and trying to reassure him that he was gonna make it,” Issac said to Fox 17 News. “I really didn’t do that much.”

“We really wanted to reach out and just thank you because he is a father; he is our world. He is a husband, he is a son, and to be treated that way instead of just a truck driver is something amazing,” Courtney added.

“Well, you’re…you’re very welcome. I’m just glad you’re doing well, just brings me joy,” Issac replied.

“God definitely has a purpose for you. Because I don’t think he should have made it through that one,” he added. 

Now that Isaac and Paul were able to reconnect, the Maksim family is shifting their focus to Paul’s recovery and potential relocation to a hospital closer to home in Illinois. 

If you would like to donate to the Maksim family to help cover the cost of medical bills, please click here