True trucker stories.


Hot dog trucks used to deliver coronavirus vaccines in Bulgaria

From Fox News:

If you can’t sell hot dogs, then give the people medicine.

One of the most important steps in getting people vaccinated against the coronavirus is actually getting the vaccine out to people. This can prove difficult due to different vaccines needing to be kept in very specific conditions in order to remain effective, making transporting the vaccine difficult.

For one country, however, the solution to this problem is apparently hot dog trucks.

Bulgaria delivered its first batch of vaccine using hot dog trucks, the New York Postreports. The vehicles were chosen because the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine reportedly needs to be stored at -94 degrees.

Bulgaria’s health minister reportedly defended the plan, saying that the hot dog trucks met all of the requirements for transporting the medicine.

The plan was met with amusement on social media, where an image of hot dogs branded with the medical company’s logo went viral.

Not everyone was amused, however.

Desislava Nikolova, health editor for Bulgarian newspaper Capital Weekly, reportedly complained, "Bulgarian authorities knew, for a while now, exactly when the first vaccines were arriving. It perplexes me why the government needed to use a hot dog truck instead of a vehicle licensed for distribution of thermolabile medicines."

Other health care law specialists worried that the transportation method would add additional liability to Bulgaria, The Takeout reports. According to specialists, the vaccine manufacturers can’t be held responsible for doses that are transported using hot dog trucks.

The hot dog trucks reportedly won’t be used to transport the second dose, however. According to reports, vehicles will be supplied by the vaccine manufacturer.