True trucker stories.


Here’s another reason it’s not safe for truckers to sleep with their windows open

From CDL Life:

When the weather is nice, it’s tempting to roll down your windows and enjoy some fresh air; however, a CDLLife App user posted a picture that reminds drivers that it’s not always safe to roll down your windows…especially at a truck stop.

CDLLife App user Lloyd B. shared this Google review that pictured a rattlesnake on a truck at a truck stop in New Braunfels, Texas.

The review was written by truck driver Todd L., who said that he arrived at the truck stop and rolled his windows halfway down.

“This is what I found at my windshield about 15 minutes after turning my truck off, and putting my windows down 1/2 way. I couldn’t sleep & watched this monster move to my drivers side mirror, then over to the passenger side door up the visor around the door over the spot mirror above the door. If I was asleep it would’ve been inside my truck,” the review states.

Todd said the snake was a western diamondback rattlesnake.