True trucker stories.


Driver Rips Car in Half, Caused Major Blackout in Horrific Crash, Walked Away

From Interesting Engineering:

A driver split his Mitsubishi Magna sedan in two after smashing into three power poles in a nightmare-inducing crash in South Australia, according to a local police report posted on Facebook.

The impact also caused a huge power outage in the area — sending waves of darkness out from the center of carnage.

Emergency services reported to Oaklands Road at Glengowrie at 11:00 PM on Tuesday, local time, following a catastrophic crash of a Mitsubishi Magna sedan into three steel and concrete poles.

When it hit, the impact split the car into two halves, blasting the fuel tank out, triggering a major power outage in the local area, reports Daily Mail.

"A man has obliterated his car after colliding into three stobie poles late last night," read the police report in a Facebook post. "The crash caused the vehicle to break into two main pieces and the fuel tank also separated from the vehicle."

"As a result power lines fell and a major power outage occurred in the local area," added the report.

The driver is 21 years old, from Darlington in Adelaide's south, and was the only occupant of the vehicle. He suffered non-fatal injuries.

Police quickly uploaded images of the twisted metal on social media, where virtual onlookers commented to express their shock and awe and grim relief that the driver walked away from mangled carnage unscathed.

"Wow he's so lucky to be alive," said one commenter. "Non-life threatening! How?" questioned another.

We tend to think of cars as safe modes of transportation — for humans, if not always for the environment. But close-calls like these only serve to remind us that with great momentum, comes great proximity to certain death — which in this case was narrowly avoided.